TGM Transportation System Plan, Parks and Trails Master Plan, TownCenter Market Study and Feasibility Analysis.

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Project Purpose

To create an integrated transportation system plan and land use plan for the existing city and URA 6D.

Project Area

  • The incorporated and unincorporated area bounded by Pacific Hwy., Beef Bend Rd., Roy Rogers Rd., and the Tualatin River.
  • Map.


Up until the late 1990s, King City was a relatively small, predominantly retirement community of approximately 2,500 people.  With the expansion of the UGB around 2000 (UR #47) and the annexation and development of this area, the city has become about twice as large with an estimated population of around 4,500.  In addition, the community has become much more diverse in terms of age, race, and ethnicity.  The city is virtually built-out with only a few acres of undeveloped or redevelopable land.

 The city has never prepared a TSP due to its small size and lack of jurisdiction over any transportation facilities other than local streets.  With the increase in size, population, and UGB expansion west to Roy Rogers Rd., it clearly is time to prepare a TSP that is well-integrated with the creation of a master land use plan for the proposed UGB expansion (URA 6D).

 Project Objectives

  • Fully integrated TSP and URA 6D master plan
  • Truly multi-modal transportation system and supportive land use
  • Transportation coordination and recognition of common transportation goals among partner agencies and jurisdictions including Washington Co., ODOT, Tigard, and TriMet