Building Code Services

Welcome To King City!

Building in King City takes many shapes and forms. For example, projects like updating a residential bathroom, landscape upgrades or new fencing, and large-scale multi-family residential projects and commercial projects. Regardless of what you have planned, we are here to help you navigate the city’s requirements and finish your construction or remodeling project as quickly as possible.

Our goal is to provide consistent service to our customers while supporting community aspirations and plans. 

Getting Started

Before you begin, get to know your property and the requirements for your planned project. Do you need Homeowners Association approval in advance? Will your project require a permit? Call King City staff at (503)639-4082 for more information.

Apply Electronically

Most construction and remodeling projects will need approval from the city in the form of an application or permit, sometimes from more than one city department, depending on the project. The city is required to ensure projects developed within the city meet local and state rules and regulations. Other outside agencies may also require review and approval as applicable. 

Please see the Building Permit Center for instructions, permit applications, associated fees required for your project, and options for submitting electronically or dropping off in the drop box at City Hall.

Construction and Inspection

When you are ready to proceed with the construction of your project, you will want to identify major milestones and know what to expect in order to bring your project to completion. 

Call for Inspections at 1-800-383-8855 (Clair Company)

Helpful Resources