Urban Growth Boundary


On December 13, 2018, Metro Council voted to expand the region’s urban growth boundary to include the approximately 528 -acre Kingston Terrace (6D) urban reserve area. A concept plan for the Kingston Terrace area anticipates the construction of 3,576 housing units to the city over time, including a mix of single-family and multi-family homes.

For more information on Metro’s process and decision, visit www.oregonmetro.gov/ugb.

To review King City Urban Growth Boundary documents, click here. 

The city’s next steps are to develop the Kingston Terrace area Master Plan and King City Transportation System Plan (TSP) which includes the existing city and the master plan area.


Urban growth boundary (UGB): A line to control urban expansion into farm and forest lands and promote the efficient use of land, public facilities, and services inside the boundary.

Urban Reserve Area (URA): An area of land beyond the current urban growth boundary that is deemed by Metro to be suitable for accommodating new development during the next 50 years.

King City Urban Reserve Area 6D Concept Plan: The King City Urban Reserve Area 6D Concept Plan serves as a guide for the future development of the 528-acre. This Urban Reserve Area (URA) lies immediately to the west of the existing King City city limits, bounded by SW Beef Bend Road to the north, SW Roy Rogers Road to the west, and the Tualatin River and SW Elsner Road to the south. The URA includes several north-south drainage ravines as well as floodplain areas adjacent to the Tualatin River. The current land uses in the URA area are predominantly agriculture and rural residential properties.
This project area is now known as Kingston Terrace.